in 2015 having been suspended in 1985. CGT is charged at the rate of 5% of the gain. There are various exemptions on CGT provided under the ITA. The tax on rental income is a tax arising from the gains and profits for occupation of property. The ITA provides for various ways of taxing rental income; Where the rent is payable to a non-resident, the tenant is required to withhold 30% of the rent and remit it to the Kenya Revenue Authority. The tax withheld is a final tax. Where the rent is payable to a resident, if the property is commercial, the tenant being an appointed agent, is required to withhold 10 % of the rent. The tax withheld is not a final tax and the landlord is required to file their income tax in the usual way. Where the rent is payable to a resident and the property is residential, the landlord may opt to either pay a monthly rental income tax, computed at 10 % of the gross rent a (final tax) or pay the instalment tax and final income tax in the usual way. Stamp dut...
Some toothpastes were found to contain chemicals that affect the quality of sperms.According to a research published in EMBO journal, triclosan an antibacterial agent found in toothpaste affects sperms.The research further noted that the damage would be even greater should the sperm be exposed to a mixture of chemicals. The research was carried out in the lab and the outcome was shocking.This outcome may force men and women to embrace the EsekonWonder tree that the turkana use.
The brush is highly regarded due to its soft bristles.Its also able to keep the mouth fresh for the whole day as compared to urban toothbrushes where you have to brush twice or thrice to keep it fresh all day.
I remember there was a time i swallowed a peanut size of toothpaste and i felt like i had ulcers.Then there was this red alert about colgate toothpaste .Read about it HEREOne esekon toothbrush goes for only 25.With all these chemicals we are exposed to, esekon is probably the best option.
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