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Land Rights in Kenya: Land Rates and Taxes.

  in 2015 having been suspended in 1985. CGT is charged at the rate of 5% of the gain. There are various exemptions on CGT provided under the ITA. The tax on rental income is a tax arising from the gains and profits for occupation of property. The ITA provides for various ways of taxing rental income; Where the rent is payable to a non-resident, the tenant is required to withhold 30% of the rent and remit it to the Kenya Revenue Authority. The tax withheld is a final tax. Where the rent is payable to a resident, if the property is commercial, the tenant being an appointed agent, is required to withhold 10 % of the rent. The tax withheld is not a final tax and the landlord is required to file their income tax in the usual way. Where the rent is payable to a resident and the property is residential, the landlord may opt to either pay a monthly rental income tax, computed at 10 % of the gross rent a (final tax) or pay the instalment tax and final income tax in the usual way. Stamp dut...


The positions below have been posted on the CWS careers site .
·         Property Assistant – (open to internal candidates only)
·         Janitor – (open to both internal and external candidates)

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@KRACare  is looking for you if you're a graduate or a continuing degree student. Apply online for January - March industrial attachment & internships right here >> APPLY

Accountant – Rosepalm Consulting.
Ensuring that rent and service charge collection targets
Bank reconciliations review
Approval of transactions in the ERP System
Approval of Company Expenditures
Reviewing of Service Charge Accounts and updating the management firms time to time
Review of Vacant houses, Deposit refunds & leases
Reviewing of landlord statements and Ensuring they are paid on time
Ensuring proper filling of tenant leases and management contracts
Preparation of Company financial statements monthly quarterly and annually
Preparation of Company annual budgets and ensuring they are realized.
Administration and supervision of the property
Ensure Company taxes due are properly computed, accounted for and remitted on time.


Bachelors Degree in Commerce/Accounting or CPA(K)
 Have 2-3years of accounting experience.
 Experience in real estate is an added advantage.
 Proficient in computer usage and knowledge of Quick Books and other accounting systems
Have experience in debt collection and credit control
 Team player, who works well across functions and levels
 Should be very flexible

 How to Apply

Send your cv and indicate salary expectations on the email on or before 25th Nov 2020

Duties And Responsibilities

Spearhead and direct the credit department team into research and
evaluate clients’ creditworthiness in order to achieve strategic goals
of the company;

Administer appraise all new projects investment and ensure that all
projects for approval are technically feasible and economically viable;

Ensure that Credit Management Framework is adopted and effectively applied across all the Branches within the institution;

Implement the Credit Management Policy and ensure that the credit management governance structures are fully functional;

Ensure issuance of monthly,quarterly reports on credit. This shall automatically trigger status of the company portfolio;

Embed operational Credit practices into business activities and
support it with appropriate training and awareness for quality company

Manage the daily administration for loan documentation in full
compliance with the internal standards and external regulatory

Conduct periodical review on loan administration procedures to streamline workflow

Generate, review and maintain loan disbursement reports for
presentation to approval committees, and provide monthly reports on the
same, in accordance to the credit policy and guidelines;

Ensure post disbursement compliance with approved terms and
conditions, assignment of rights, review expiry of credits, progress on
payment, insurance etc.

Review daily credit monitoring and management reports and identify
gaps and proactively follow-up to ensure corrective action taken in line
with credit policy;

Monitor all irregularities, past dues, documentation deficiencies and report to senior management;

Advise on credit issues and prepare reports for the Board to assist in decision making.

Dear Austin, we have a vacancy in our work place, 

*Position:* School Driver

👍 Are you born again?
👍 Do you have a valid driving license and are you experienced driving manual cars? 
👍 Do you qualify for PSV-Driver endorsement? 
👍Are you at least 25 years old? 
In addition, 
👍Are you passionate about working in an environment that nurtures kids with the goal of transforming them into leaders for the future? 

If you’ve have answered *“YES”* to the questions above, we need to talk. 

We are a Christian, non-denominational, private mixed boarding primary school based in Koma, Kangundo Rd. We'd like you to join our team as the *School Driver*. If you are interested in this position, please fill the application form linked below. We will receive applications up to *Friday 20th Nov 2020.*

Financial Advisor Needed APPLY








HR Manager

KAKUZI PLC is looking for a pro-active, self-driven individual with a desire to create immediate impact in a human rights role in a corporate environment.

Work with key stakeholders such as human rights experts, community leaders and employee representatives to formulate and propose a Human Rights Action Plan to the Independent Human Rights Advisory Committee (IHRAC) for immediate and long-term solutions to human rights challenges in general and specific community areas around the operations.
Formulate human rights strategies, including from a gender and diversity perspective, for Kakuzi Human Resource Management program.
Develop and maintain relations with government officials, community representatives, Workers Union, industry bodies and regulatory authorities as far as human rights issues and policies are concerned.
Develop and manage effective Operational-level Grievance Mechanisms for surrounding communities, employees and other stakeholders.
Coordinate and oversee human rights studies and due diligence initiatives as necessary and oversee implementation of the resultant Human Rights Action Plan.
Plan and implement Community Interaction clinics/days to cultivate a strong community link.

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) and Human Rights training.
A minimum of 5 years working experience in human rights with demonstrable achievements. 
Be conversant with the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPBHR)
Be conversant with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
Be conversant with the local legislation and regulatory requirements relating to Human Rights.
Have knowledge of third-party certification requirements relating to Human Rights.
A working understanding of and exposure to corporate environment.

How To Apply;
If you meet the above requirements, please send your CV, cover letter and relevant certificates to quoting the position in the email subject by 20th November 2020

Please note, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Please note that Kakuzi Plc WILL NOT ask you to make any payment at any stage of the recruitment process.

Kenya Commerce Exchange Service Bureau is looking for an information systems auditor trainee, the job is entry level,  degree in computer science, IT or any other related field, knowledge on ISO 27001 implementation, 1 Year experience in systems audit.
 Applications to be send to
√ Solargen Technologies Limited is looking for great minds to join our team. We are looking for HR intern/IT manager/Service technicians with the above qualifications and characteristics. For more information on the positions and the application process, please go to our career page and submit your application online before the deadline. (Note: email applications will NOT be considered)

Limited vacancies available
 *Communication Associate*
1. Social and digital media management 
2. Writing articles for blogs, websites, and e-newsletters
3. Production of e-newsletters, brand guidelines (brand book)
4. Coordinating the production of video clips about clients and for pitching to clients (there is an outsourced person who does the video clips)
5. Preparing communication plans for clients
6. Researching/document review about clients to fully understand their business
7. Facilitating clients’ team training
8. Managing client meetings 
9. Developing client case studies for use in marketing (you will be guided on how to do it).
10. Managing a portfolio of clients and record-keeping
11. Stakeholder and media management
12. Any other duty that may be assigned from time to time

Qualifications & other requirements
1. Degree in communication
2. Additional certificates are an added advantage
3. Having worked in a PR agency is a definite plus
4. Excellent media contacts is an added advantage
5. Portfolio of articles written, and any other communication work done
6. Three current reference letters
7. Must have a laptop because more than 50% of the work will be done remotely

Applications to be sent to  by 25th Nov 2020

Salary : Kes 30k
Studio 3 is looking to hire a budding photographer to grow with us.

*Take professional pics in studio or on location.
*Work closely with clients to produce high-quality images.
*Editing skills
*Recommend creative ideas to exceed expectations
*Use artistic knowledge to enhance and compose photographs.

*At least 1 year experience 
*Excellent verbal and written communication skills
*Tech savvy
*Knowledge of photography art and lighting
*Strong creative presence and artistic flair
*Customer focus with a desire to over deliver on quality
*Able to follow instructions clearly to achieve desired results.

If this is you, send us your portfolio or link to your work -
√ Looking for an efficient Journalist passionate in writing, PR and selling. 
1. Writing Business articles in Steel and Construction industry
2. Doing Interviews written and one on one.
3. Selling magazine, Newsletter and website  spaces.
Cv to or WhatsApp +254 734 444 608

Outpatient Nurse - Medanta Africare.
We are seeking to hire a motivated & qualified candidate for the position of a Outpatient Nurse.
Are you interested in being part of a team delivering world class healthcare in hands you can trust?
If so, then this is what will be expected of you

Job Summary
The OutPatient Nurse is responsible for providing general nursing care to patients suffering from general medical or surgical conditions

Duties and Responsibilities
Complete head to toe assessment and re-assessment of patients to identify their care needs
Responsible for total patient care, including medication, orders, and treatments
Evaluation and recording of patients conditions
Perform pain assessment and initiate analgesia as per protocol
Monitor vital signs and report to the physician
Provide bedside nursing care
Administer medication and treatments as prescribed by the physician
Prepare the patient for various medical procedures such as X-ray, ECG, Ultrasound, and MRI etc
Follow discharge procedure of assigned patients according to hospital protocol, and ensure follow up appointments are made
Attend to patient emergencies as and when they arise
Ensure patient records are accurately captured and filed in accordance with hospital policies and procedures
Ensure that all medical records required by the government are well documented i.e. DDA Records, Vaccines etc.
Care for equipment through proper cleaning, storage, per shift check of the inventory and timely reporting and follow up of nonfunctional equipment to the nurse manager
Ensure proper inventory management such as replenishing and consuming stocks as per procurement procedures
Update professional knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations
Serve and protect the institution by adhering to professional guidelines, policies and procedures, as well as local and international standards
Perform any other duties within the professional scope of employment as may be assigned from time to time by the supervisor or appointed authority
Specific Qualifications:
A Diploma in Nursing from an accredited Nursing School
Post basic diploma in Emergency Care will be an added advantage
Valid practicing license from the Nursing Council of Kenya
Certification in Basic Life Support (BLS), ACLS, EPLS or ETAT
2-4 years of continuous clinical nursing experience in an acute care hospital
Knowledge of a wide range of medications and the clinical indications they are prescribed for

Excellent oral and written communication skills
Ability to follow doctor’s instructions accurately
Excellent interpersonal skills
Excellent time management skills and ability to prioritize a demanding workload
Please send your application including your updated CV to by close of business on 20th November 2020.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
We are an equal opportunity employer.

We are looking for candidate to manage our tea farm. The ideal candidate should have a degree or diploma is agriculture, at least five years in tea farming. If you meet the above requirements please send your CV to by Saturday 21st November, 2020. 
Location Narok county.

Research Assistant Jobs (3 Positions) 

Clinical Officer Jobs (3 Positions) 

Laboratory Technologist Jobs (3 Positions) 

Outpatient Nurse - Medanta Africare.
We are seeking to hire a motivated & qualified candidate for the position of a Outpatient Nurse.
Are you interested in being part of a team delivering world class healthcare in hands you can trust?
If so, then this is what will be expected of you:
Job Summary: The OutPatient Nurse is responsible for providing general nursing care to patients suffering from general medical or surgical conditions
Duties and Responsibilities
Complete head to toe assessment and re-assessment of patients to identify their care needs
Responsible for total patient care, including medication, orders, and treatments
Evaluation and recording of patients conditions
Perform pain assessment and initiate analgesia as per protocol
Monitor vital signs and report to the physician
Provide bedside nursing care
Administer medication and treatments as prescribed by the physician
Prepare the patient for various medical procedures such as X-ray, ECG, Ultrasound, and MRI etc
Follow discharge procedure of assigned patients according to hospital protocol, and ensure follow up appointments are made
Attend to patient emergencies as and when they arise
Ensure patient records are accurately captured and filed in accordance with hospital policies and procedures
Ensure that all medical records required by the government are well documented i.e. DDA Records, Vaccines etc.
Care for equipment through proper cleaning, storage, per shift check of the inventory and timely reporting and follow up of nonfunctional equipment to the nurse manager
Ensure proper inventory management such as replenishing and consuming stocks as per procurement procedures
Update professional knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations
Serve and protect the institution by adhering to professional guidelines, policies and procedures, as well as local and international standards
Perform any other duties within the professional scope of employment as may be assigned from time to time by the supervisor or appointed authority

Outpatient Nurse - Medanta Africare.
We are seeking to hire a motivated & qualified candidate for the position of a Outpatient Nurse.
Are you interested in being part of a team delivering world class healthcare in hands you can trust?
If so, then this is what will be expected of you:
Job Summary: The OutPatient Nurse is responsible for providing general nursing care to patients suffering from general medical or surgical conditions
Duties and Responsibilities
Complete head to toe assessment and re-assessment of patients to identify their care needs
Responsible for total patient care, including medication, orders, and treatments
Evaluation and recording of patients conditions
Perform pain assessment and initiate analgesia as per protocol
Monitor vital signs and report to the physician
Provide bedside nursing care
Administer medication and treatments as prescribed by the physician
Prepare the patient for various medical procedures such as X-ray, ECG, Ultrasound, and MRI etc
Follow discharge procedure of assigned patients according to hospital protocol, and ensure follow up appointments are made
Attend to patient emergencies as and when they arise
Ensure patient records are accurately captured and filed in accordance with hospital policies and procedures
Ensure that all medical records required by the government are well documented i.e. DDA Records, Vaccines etc.
Care for equipment through proper cleaning, storage, per shift check of the inventory and timely reporting and follow up of nonfunctional equipment to the nurse manager
Ensure proper inventory management such as replenishing and consuming stocks as per procurement procedures
Update professional knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations
Serve and protect the institution by adhering to professional guidelines, policies and procedures, as well as local and international standards
Perform any other duties within the professional scope of employment as may be assigned from time to time by the supervisor or appointed authority
Specific Qualifications:
A Diploma in Nursing from an accredited Nursing School
Post basic diploma in Emergency Care will be an added advantage
Valid practicing license from the Nursing Council of Kenya
Certification in Basic Life Support (BLS), ACLS, EPLS or ETAT
2-4 years of continuous clinical nursing experience in an acute care hospital
Knowledge of a wide range of medications and the clinical indications they are prescribed for
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Ability to follow doctor’s instructions accurately
Excellent interpersonal skills
Excellent time management skills and ability to prioritize a demanding workload
Please send your application including your updated CV to by close of business on 20th November 2020.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
We are an equal opportunity employer.

Requirement For Appointment

Degree in any Business related fields e.g. (Business, Finance, Banking & Accounting or any other relevant field;

Master’s Degree in the relevant fields will be an added advantage;

A certified Member of a professional body;

A minimum of Seven (7) years of experience in relevant function with
three (3) years in a responsible/ management role in a credit
environment and shown merit and ability as reflected in his/her work
performance and results;

Experience and a good understanding of Business lending products from the financial services Industry;

Experience and a good understanding of Credit Management Framework;

Exposure to demanding operational environments, ability to gain
insight into the most effective credit management applications and key
points for

Monitoring the Business environment with a view to advise the management on the best investment strategy

Gathering data for use in review of credit Policies by monitoring reports

Performance of administrative duties

Monitoring of Branch performance in generation of loans.

Fulfilled the provision of chapter six of the constitution;

Method of Application

Those employees who meet the job requirements as detailed
in the advert are encouraged to apply. Applications must be accompanied
by current curriculum vitae, giving details of educational and
professional qualifications and indicate their current and expected
salaries to the undersigned.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
NB – KIE is an equal opportunity employer (EOE) and committed to diversity and Gender Equity.
Managing Director,
Kenya Industrial Estates Ltd,
P.o. Box 78029-00507, Nairobi.
Email :
Closing Date : 24th November, 2020


WWB Asset Management (WAM) is seeking an experienced, highly
motivated principal investment officer (“PIO”) with strong private
equity experience in inclusive and / or specialty finance sectors – such
as fintech, insurance, agriculture finance, education finance or
housing finance – to join its impact investment team. Experience within
the Asian financial sector is strongly preferred. The PIO will be
responsible for sourcing, structuring, closing and monitoring
investments in inclusive financial service providers focused on women.
The PIO position to be located in an Asian capital city, (African
capital city may be considered) and will report directly to the Chief
Investment Officer (“CIO”).

Accounts officer job in Nairobi, Kenya-Switzerland  Embassy in KenyaClosing date-November 15-2020

Embassy of Switzerland in Kenya

As the official representation of Switzerland, the Embassy covers all matters concerning diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Kenya, as well as Switzerland and Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia and Uganda. It represents Swiss interests in the areas of political, economic and financial affairs, science, education and culture. It delivers consular services to citizens of Switzerland and other countries. It implements the cooperation strategy for the Horn of Africa.
For the Operations Management Division, responsible for Finance, Personnel and Administration of the Embassy, we are looking for a fulltime Accounts Officer (Monday to Friday).
The Accounts Officer (AcO) is responsible for the daily entries in the accounting system and the timely/correct payments of the Embassy. He/she follows IPSAS, IFRS, ISA and GAAP, local law and other internal FDFA instructions. He/she assures a correct handling of all global budget contracts in our internal system ESPRIT and works closely with all his/her internal and external counterparts.
He/she also performs administrative tasks and reports directly to the Senior Finance Officer.
Main Tasks:
· Initiates and processes journal entries in the accounting software Vision+;
· Prepares monthly reconciliations of bank accounts, cash checks, general and related sub-ledger accounts and honorary consulate accounts;
· Prepares periodic financial reports including monthly and yearly accounts closure in Vision+;
· Payment of invoices/bills in a timely manner and manages key vendor relationships;
· Reviews invoices for VAT/Excise Duty exemption application;
· Enters and manages contracts in ESPRIT;
· Monitors all active rental contracts.
Academic qualifications / Professional experience:
· Bachelors’ degree in Accounting, Finance, or related field;
· Minimum of 3-year post qualification experience in accounting or financial related field;
· Professional Accountancy Qualification CPA or ACCA;
· Perfectly fluent in English language, written and spoken,
· Knowledge of a Swiss national language an asset;
· Excellent computer skills (MS Office, especially Excel, SAP and other accounting software);
· Working experience in an embassy or an international organizations is an added advantage.
Required skills:
· Highly motivated, committed and able to work in a team;
· Ability to deal effectively and in a diplomatic manner at all levels;
· Ability to work independently and under pressure and with minimal supervision;
· High degree of adaptability and capacity to learn;
· Good communication skills and interpersonal skills;
· Precise, dynamic and high level of integrity and loyalty;
· Strong service and customer orientation.
How to Apply
Modalities of employment and application:
· Duty station is Nairobi.
· Application deadline is 15th November 2020.
· Applicants should include a letter of motivation (maximum 1 page), a CV (maximum 3 pages) and 2 references related to previous work experience.
· Applications have to be sent to
· Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
· Start date: as soon as possible
Note: Please be advised that the Embassy of Switzerland does not charge any fees from applicants for any recruitment, nor has it engaged a third party to facilitate this hire. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

It's not Too Late to Achieve your Resolutions:Here are 5 Apps that will let you accomplish that
Hi hrps, am looking for OSH Risk Assessment Proposals for a small sized company. Send to

Project Manager Internship at Optimetriks

About Optimetriks We transform consumer goods distribution in Africa to make it more efficient, transparent, and responsible from a social and environmental perspective. Our SaaS platform connects the different actors of the ecosystem, brands, distributors, salesmen, and retailers. By allowing the information flow to circulate in real-time, it contributes to improving the operational productivity and…

Project Coordinator – ABRA/READs Education Project at World Vision International

You will be required to produce a current (within 3 months) Original Police Clearance Certificate or waiting receipt during interview in case you are shortlisted Job Title : Project Coordinator – ABRA/READS Education Project Reporting to : Cluster Manager Grade Level : 13 Work Location : Kirindon Purpose of Position The Project Coordinator – ABRA/READS is…

Economic Mobility Assistant at Refuge Point

Summary Title: Economic Mobility Assistant ID: 2140 Department: Nairobi Office Closing Date: Short-listing and recruiting will be on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate is identified. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Description Title: Economic Mobility Assistant Location: Nairobi, Kenya Grade: 4 Starting Salary: KES 67,000 Supervisor: Program Coordinator, Resettlement Supervision Given: None RefugePoint was founded in 2005 to…

Program Finance Officer at Nutrition International

Description Employment Type: Full Time Location: Nairobi, Kenya Deadline for submission: October 9th , 2020 About us At Nutrition International, we make a difference, because nutrition is the difference. Woven into the very fabric of our approach is the passion and drive of our global team of over 400 people, working in 13 offices across…

HR & Admin Officer at Mhasibu Sacco

Overall purpose of the job Leading and directing all human resource roles, activities and providing guidance in overall administrative policies and strategies in order to support smooth running of the Sacco’s operations.  Responsibilities Assist management to identify optimal staffing needs in line with the strategic plan Co-ordinate recruitments including, interviews, tests, reference checks, plan and…

Accounts Assistant at OPTIVEN REAL ESTATE

Deadline: 21-Nov-2020 Company: OPTIVEN REAL ESTATE Town: Nairobi Type: Job Experience: 4-6 years of work experience, Number of vacancies: 1 Salary: Attractive Description We are seeking a highly competent and an outstanding individual who is dynamic and passionate about delivering results to join our finance and accounts team. S/he will be responsible for the general…


SUPPORT STAFF – JOB GROUP „C‟ (30 POSTS) VACANCY No. 42/2020/KCPSB Duties and Responsibilities Maintenance of general cleanliness of offices and its environment Messengerial duties Preparation/serving tea and other refreshments (if any). Clerical/filling and typing Ensuring safety, proper care and maintenance of office property Any other duties assigned to you by your supervisor Qualifications For…

Economic Mobility Assistant at Refuge Point

Summary Title: Economic Mobility Assistant ID: 2140 Department: Nairobi Office Closing Date: Short-listing and recruiting will be on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate is identified. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Description Title: Economic Mobility Assistant Location: Nairobi, Kenya Grade: 4 Starting Salary: KES 67,000 Supervisor: Program Coordinator, Resettlement Supervision Given: None RefugePoint was founded in 2005 to…

Program Finance Officer at Nutrition International

Description Employment Type: Full Time Location: Nairobi, Kenya Deadline for submission: October 9th , 2020 About us At Nutrition International, we make a difference, because nutrition is the difference. Woven into the very fabric of our approach is the passion and drive of our global team of over 400 people, working in 13 offices across…

HR & Admin Officer at Mhasibu Sacco

Overall purpose of the job Leading and directing all human resource roles, activities and providing guidance in overall administrative policies and strategies in order to support smooth running of the Sacco’s operations.  Responsibilities Assist management to identify optimal staffing needs in line with the strategic plan Co-ordinate recruitments including, interviews, tests, reference checks, plan and…

Accounts Assistant at OPTIVEN REAL ESTATE

Deadline: 21-Nov-2020 Company: OPTIVEN REAL ESTATE Town: Nairobi Type: Job Experience: 4-6 years of work experience, Number of vacancies: 1 Salary: Attractive Description We are seeking a highly competent and an outstanding individual who is dynamic and passionate about delivering results to join our finance and accounts team. S/he will be responsible for the general…


SUPPORT STAFF – JOB GROUP „C‟ (30 POSTS) VACANCY No. 42/2020/KCPSB Duties and Responsibilities Maintenance of general cleanliness of offices and its environment Messengerial duties Preparation/serving tea and other refreshments (if any). Clerical/filling and typing Ensuring safety, proper care and maintenance of office property Any other duties assigned to you by your supervisor Qualifications For…


ASSISTANT YOUTH TRAINING INTRUCTORS i. Assistant Youth Training Instructor -Fashion Design And Garment Making – Job Group “F” (11 Posts) –Vacancy No. 35/2020/KCPSB ii. Assistant Youth Training Instructor – Building Technology – Job Group “F” (5Posts) – Vacancy No. 36/2020/KCPSB iii. Assistant Youth Training Instructor – Electrical Technology –Job Group “F” ( 5 Posts) –…

P Consultancy ltd:
Have you been applying for jobs? You have the skills,qualifications and experience but still not getting interview invitations?
Your CV is definitely the problem. Our Experts are always available to Professionally Revamp your Resume/CV giving it an exceptional content that will automatically get you invited for interviews. Use the link below to get in touch with us. APPLY

Customer Care Executive Job Human Asset

JOB ADVERT – CUSTOMER CARE EXECUTIVE Our Client is looking for aggressive, performance driven Customer Care Executive – Mombasa. The ideal candidate will assist in delivery of performance through Managing the Mombasa showroom and building strong relationships with customers to ensure excellent customer service experience is provided.  The selected candidate will assist the Regional Manager in…

ACCOUNTANT III ( ACC ) at National Environment Management Authority (NEMA

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), is established under the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act No. 8 of 1999 (EMCA) as the principlal instrument of Goverment for the implementation of all policies relating to environment . EMCA 1999 was enacted against a backdrop of 78 sectoral laws dealing with various components of the environment, the…

Junior Accountant Internship at ABC EXPAT

ABC EXPAT offers professional services in the field of international mobility and business development. We assist companies and individuals with their first steps in Kenya and Uganda. We assist international companies willing to operate in Kenya and Uganda in order to ensure their compliance, facilitate their access to the market and increase their competitiveness. ABC…

Baker at Nyali Cake House

Nyali Cake House brings you the best in Quality baking. We feature fresh-baked cakes, cupcakes and sophisticated versions of classic desserts, including our very own amarula forest, blueberry cheese and “citrus”. Our custom-designed cakes range from traditional tiered wedding cakes to one-of-a-kind creations for birthdays and other celebrations, corporate events and promotions, and advertising and…

Kenya Power Hiring 


Reporting to the Chief Corporate Communications Officer, under Corporate Communications Department, the Corporate Communications Officer, Public Relations will be responsible for providing support to the Company and its engagement with various stakeholders such as employees, customers, shareholders, media, government bodies and multilateral and bilateral agencies. The job holder will also be responsible for handling all…

REACH Field Assistant at ACTED

Department: REACH Position: REACH Field Assistant Duty Station: Dadaab Starting Date: November 2020 Contract duration: Fixed Background REACH was born in 2010 as a joint initiative of two International NGOs (IMPACT Initiatives and ACTED) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT). REACH’s purpose is to promote and facilitate the…

Office Assistant at FHI 360

Position title:   Office Assistant Project:            Afya Uzazi Nakuru/Baringo Program Location:         Nakuru, Kenya FHI 360 (formerly Family Health International) is a nonprofit human development organization based in North Carolina. FHI 360 serves more than 70 countries and all U.S. states and territories Job SummaryTo provide basic support to Afya Uzazi Nakuru/Baringo Program Project staff in maintaining…

Finance and Administrative Officer at International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance — The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization with a mission to advance democracy worldwide, as a universal human aspiration and an enabler of sustainable development, through support to the building, strengthening and safeguarding of democratic political institutions and processes at…

Office Assistant at Coveted HR

JOB TITLE:                     OFFICE ASSISTANT NATURE OF JOB:           FULL TIME JOB LOCATION:             NAIROBI PACKAGE:                      NEGOTIABLE Responsibilities Organize office and assist associates in ways that optimize procedures Sort and distribute communications in a timely manner Create and update records ensuring accuracy and validity of information Schedule and plan meetings and appointments Monitor level of…

ICT Officer at Fountain Healthcare

Position: Assistant Chief ICT Officer (1 Position), FHC Grade 8 Location:  Eldoret Job description The scope of the Assistant Chief ICT Officer will encompass the overall review, implementation, and monitoring of the Hospital ICT infrastructure. The successful candidate shall be responsible for the following specific roles: Responsibilities Software Support including Windows Desktop Support and Administration. Word…


In support of the Government’s Youth Initiative to develop a pool of young talent for the Kenyan Labour Market, KRA is seeking applications from continuing Bachelor’s Degree students for its three (3) months (January to March 2021) Industrial Attachment programme. The programme aims at providing the Youth an opportunity to acquire practical aspects of their respective areas…


In support of the Government’s Youth Initiative to develop a pool of young talent for the Kenyan Labour Market, KRA is seeking applications from fresh Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma graduates for its January to December 2021 Internship programme. Law degree holders pursuing the Advocates Training program (Pupils) at the Kenya School of Law will be engaged for six (6) months…

Regional Sales Representatives at Storymoja Africa

Storymoja is an ethical, small but fast-growing profit-making social enterprise that primarily publishes books for children. Storymoja is probably best known for its annual international festival and the Start-a-Library initiative. Our vision is to ‘Get a book in every hand.’ Our mission is to become a commercially profitable business that stimulates and benefits from a…

Digital Marketing Manager at Storymoja Africa

Storymoja is an ethical, small but fast-growing profit-making social enterprise that primarily publishes books for children. Storymoja is probably best known for its annual international festival and the Start-a-Library initiative. Our vision is to ‘Get a book in every hand.’ Our mission is to become a commercially profitable business that stimulates and benefits from a…

Retail Business Analyst at Gulf African Bank

The genesis of Gulf African Bank (GAB) can be traced back to 2005, when a group of motivated Kenyans envisioned establishing an Islamic bank as an alternative to conventional banking in the country. By conducting business on the principles of Shari’ah, the bank would provide an ethical and fair mode of banking for all. Gulf…

Programme Policy Officer FT NOB at World Food Programme (WFP),


Recruiting Administrator at International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Job Title: Recruiting Administrator Sector: Human Resources Employment Category: Regular Employment Type: Full-Time Open to Expatriates: No Location: Nairobi, Kenya Job Description Job Overview/Summary: The Recruiting Administrator supports the Global Recruitment team in various capacities. This person works with the recruiters to post roles, create offer letters, lead vendor partnerships, and new hire onboarding into expat assignments. This is a perfect learning…

Finance Assistant at SNV

Nairobi, Kenya Full-time Contract type: National employment contract Company Description About SNV SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization that applies practical know-how to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty. We use our extensive and long-term in-country presence to apply and adapt our top-notch expertise in agriculture, energy and…

Accounts Officer (100 %) at Embassy of Switzerland in Kenya

Vacancy Accounts Officer (100 %) Embassy of Switzerland in Kenya As the official representation of Switzerland, the Embassy covers all matters concerning diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Kenya, as well as Switzerland and Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia and Uganda. It represents Swiss interests in the areas of political, economic and financial affairs, science, education and culture.…

Web Content Editor and Digital Marketing at Glantix Solutions ltd

Glantix is a convenient Networking, computers & Electronics online shop. We have partnered with well renowned IT & Electronics Distributors to offer the best deals. The customer convenience is a priority and thus we offer same day delivery services to all major towns in Kenya. We have qualified customer service team to help you as…

Retail Business Analyst at Gulf African Bank

The genesis of Gulf African Bank (GAB) can be traced back to 2005, when a group of motivated Kenyans envisioned establishing an Islamic bank as an alternative to conventional banking in the country. By conducting business on the principles of Shari’ah, the bank would provide an ethical and fair mode of banking for all. Gulf…

Programme Policy Officer FT NOB at World Food Programme (WFP),


Recruiting Administrator at International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Job Title: Recruiting Administrator Sector: Human Resources Employment Category: Regular Employment Type: Full-Time Open to Expatriates: No Location: Nairobi, Kenya Job Description Job Overview/Summary: The Recruiting Administrator supports the Global Recruitment team in various capacities. This person works with the recruiters to post roles, create offer letters, lead vendor partnerships, and new hire onboarding into expat assignments. This is a perfect learning…

Finance Assistant at SNV

Nairobi, Kenya Full-time Contract type: National employment contract Company Description About SNV SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization that applies practical know-how to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty. We use our extensive and long-term in-country presence to apply and adapt our top-notch expertise in agriculture, energy and…

Accounts Officer (100 %) at Embassy of Switzerland in Kenya

Vacancy Accounts Officer (100 %) Embassy of Switzerland in Kenya As the official representation of Switzerland, the Embassy covers all matters concerning diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Kenya, as well as Switzerland and Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia and Uganda. It represents Swiss interests in the areas of political, economic and financial affairs, science, education and culture.…

Web Content Editor and Digital Marketing at Glantix Solutions ltd

Glantix is a convenient Networking, computers & Electronics online shop. We have partnered with well renowned IT & Electronics Distributors to offer the best deals. The customer convenience is a priority and thus we offer same day delivery services to all major towns in Kenya. We have qualified customer service team to help you as…

Leaf Buyer (6) at British American Tobacco (BAT)

Job Title:  Leaf Buyer Job Number:  30965 Country: Kenya Location: Flexible Location Function: Operations Level: Non-management Appointment Type: Permanent   British American Tobacco has an exciting opportunity for 6 Leaf Buyers to join our team in Kenya. Purpose Statement: Optimal & efficiently handle the purchases of BATK tobacco bales from our contracted farmers and bought at central Purchasing points in Leaf centers. Continuously work to…

Electrical Engineering Internships 

Training & Examination at Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK)

The Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK) is a professional Organization bringing together the “landed” professionals. The members are within eight major disciplines of the surveying profession namely; the Valuation Surveying, Property Management, Real Estate Agency, Land Surveying. Building Surveying. Land Administration Managers, Engineering Surveying and Geospatial Information Management Surveying. The Institution is inviting applications…

Customer Sales Representative at KOKO

About KOKO Networks KOKO Networks is a venture-backed technology company currently operating in Kenya and India. Our mission is to imagine and deliver technology that transforms life in the world’s fastest growing cities. We build and deploy cloud-connected “KOKO Points” inside local retail outlets, which provide mass market consumer goods in partnership with major suppliers.…

Customer Sales Team Leader at KOKO

About KOKO Networks KOKO Networks is a venture-backed technology company currently operating in Kenya and India. Our mission is to imagine and deliver technology that transforms life in the world’s fastest growing cities. We build and deploy cloud-connected “KOKO Points” inside local retail outlets, which provide mass market consumer goods in partnership with major suppliers.…

REGISTRY CLERK at Safaricom Sacco Ltd

Safaricom Sacco Ltd. is a dynamic Savings and Credit Co-operative Society committed to excellence and quality service, providing members with an opportunity to improve and develop their social and economic status.   As part of our growth strategy, we are recruiting top talent to join the innovative and transformative team in delivering success to our stakeholders.…

Information Security Auditor at Safaricom Sacco Ltd

Safaricom Sacco Ltd. is a dynamic Savings and Credit Co-operative Society committed to excellence and quality service, providing members with an opportunity to improve and develop their social and economic status.   As part of our growth strategy, we are recruiting top talent to join the innovative and transformative team in delivering success to our stakeholders.…

Content & Social Media Marketer at Nendo

Nendo studies internet, mobile, and social media users across Africa. We are relentless in our desire to understand Silicon Savannah’s citizens. You’ll Be Creative: You have the innate and honed ability to hear problems, frame and reframe them and discover and deliver multiple ways to solve them. Calculated: You can put down a detailed and…

GBV Officer at Save the Children International

Role Purpose The GBV Officer will be in charge of prevention and response to cases of GBV, counselling and case management in the Dadaab refugee host community and the refugee camps. The role holder will work to establish and revive the host community structures in five (5) wards under Dadaab sub-county and will establish GBV…


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